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Dr. Bujar Raufi
Research staff
Bujar Raufi hold a PhD in Communications and Computer Technologies – Computer Systems, Complexes and Networks from Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Bujar’s research background is in designing and implementing new approaches and methods regarding user adaptive intelligent systems by fusing Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and Semantic Web. Recently he has been awarded with Marie Skłodowska Curie fellowship within the scope of Enterprise Ireland’s Cereer-FIT programme. The EMPOWER project – Enabling Human Mental Workload for Personalized User Experiences aims to address this issue of user’s engagement on the Web by extending traditional approach of describing user goals, preferences and knowledge, known as User Models, by incorporating human mental workload factors on the modelling process. These models with cognitive load factors shall be used to deliver relevant, well targeted and goal-oriented content to users on the web, ultimately enhancing the User Experience. The research will take advantage of methods, techniques and background knowledge from the areas of User Modelling Adaptation and Personalization, Human Mental Workload, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to represent the user from both interaction and workload points of view. The end goal of the project is twofold: to generate workload indexes that describe temporal user interactions and design a prototype interface in cooperation with secondment partner that will adapt its interface for the purpose of keeping cognitive load to acceptable levels.